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Web Marketing Strategy

What is a web marketing strategy?

Broadly speaking, a web marketing strategy should integrate seamlessly into your overall marketing strategy, which is a structured way of implementing all your marketing activities online, so that you can optimally reach your targeted audience.

This rule is one the most important rules to follow, but also a reason why many companies also fail. We often hear about success stories on social media, but what we don’t hear about is the strategy, planning, budget and time it took to get there.

While it is simple enough to start a Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account for your company, you must be diligent in filling the details to build credibility.

What is the best web marketing strategy?

Whether you are working online or offline – the best place to start is to develop a marketing strategy first.

No matter what your product is, always start by determining a target group, what they’re interested in, and what they’re not.

Particularly for web, it’s important to know why they are looking online in the first place, what they are looking for, and where they are looking.

The last thing you need to know is what keeps them busy? Are they actively involved on forums, do they write about certain subjects (maybe even about your company), is the Internet important to them (how much time do they spend on the internet) and do they like to read things, hear things or see things on the internet?

If you can answer all these questions you are well on the way. Now it’s time to start planning out your web marketing strategy, what information you will use,  how long it will take, and who will be responsible.

Our five tips for a web marketing strategy

  • Keep the same corporate identity on and offline.
  • Be active and reactive on the Internet, but NEVER passive.
  • Use for a good overview of your social media.
  • Try to be creative and get noticed.
  • Don’t lose sight of your target group.

Don’t know where to start?

We can help! Shoot us an email at and let’s get started!

– With Matthijs Schotel 

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